Professorship in Theoretical Physics: Nonequilibrium Quantum Physics
Ort / Bezirk: Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH
Having signed the DORA declaration, the University of Fribourg emphasizes a qualitative assessment of academic achievement. Seeking to promote an equitable representation of women and men, we strongly encourage applications from women.
* The future appointee will contribute to teaching theoretical physics courses in Fribourg with a 50% teaching load. The candidate should be able to teach in English, and, at the Bachelor level, in one or both of the university’s official languages, French or German, after an appropriate learning period if necessary.
* The successful candidate will develop an internationally recognized competitive research program sustained by external funding.
* Qualified applicants must have an outstanding track record of independent research related to nonequilibrium properties of interacting many-particle systems, and the potential to build synergies with the Department of Physics and with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and its various large-scale research facilities.
* Teaching experience at university level is expected.
* The University of Fribourg is bilingual (French/German). Knowledge of the second language (level B1 oral) is expected. If this is not the case, it must be acquired within two years of taking up the position.