Trademark Counsel Description Job Description SummaryThe IP Counsel Trademarks will be responsible for managing thecompanys global trademark portfolio, ensuring that companysintellectual property (IP) assets are protected, and supporting thebusiness in its efforts to create, maintain, and enforce a strongtrademark strategy. This role involves advising on all aspects oftrademark law, as well as related topics (e.g. domain names),across multiple jurisdictions. The IP Counsel Trademarks will workclosely with internal stakeholders and external partners tosafeguard the company''s global brand identity and reputation KeyResponsibilities 1. Trademark Portfolio Management Oversee theglobal trademark portfolio, including new filings, renewals,oppositions, and assignments. Manage and collaborate withexternal trademark agents and law firms in various jurisdictions toensure proper management and prosecution of trademarks. Providestrategic advice on the expansion and protection of the companystrademarks in new markets. 2. Trademark Strategy & RiskManagement Develop and implement the companys global trademarkstrategy for the corporate brand as well as for product brands inSegments in alignment with business goals. Conduct trademarkclearance searches and advise on the registrability of new marks,including assessing risks and opportunities. Assess and managetrademark related risks, including third party claims, potentialinfringements, and dilution concerns. 3. Trademark Enforcement& Litigation Lead the enforcement of trademark rights,including the monitoring of third party use and taking appropriatelegal action to protect trademarks from infringement or misuse. Work with external counsel to manage trademark disputes, includingadministrative and judicial proceedings before intellectualproperty offices and courts. Provide guidance and support in thecontext of cease and desist letters, oppositions, cancellations,and settlements. 4. Licensing & Commercial Agreements Draftand negotiate trademark related agreements, including trademarklicense agreements, co existence agreements, and distributionagreements in cooperation with the IP Counsel Contracts in the IPteam, as well as in cooperation with the Legal Department. Provide trademark related legal support to business teams onbranding and trademark related aspects of product development,marketing, and distribution. 5. Collaboration with InternalStakeholders Partner with marketing and business developmentteams to ensure that branding strategies, and trademark usage arealigned with legal standards and corporate objectives. Providetraining to internal teams on trademark law, best practices, andproper usage of trademarks. Align branding strategy with theCorporate Tax team and collaborate on setting up and maintaining anappropriate intercompany license framework. 6. Monitoring &Reporting Conduct regular monitoring of global trademarkportfolio and report on status, potential issues, and acti