Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator in Secondary - 50%
Purpose of Role
Strategic development of the school's Special Educational Needs (SEND) provision and oversight of the day-to-day operation of that policy with the aim of raising SEND pupil achievement.
ISP Principles
1. Begin with our children and students. Our children and students are at the heart of what we do. Simply, their success is our success. Wellbeing and safety are both essential for learners and learning. Therefore, we are consistent in identifying potential safeguarding and Health & Safety issues and acting and following up on all concerns appropriately.
2. Treat everyone with care and respect. We look after one another, embrace similarities and differences and promote the well-being of self and others.
3. Operate effectively. We focus relentlessly on the things that are most important and will make the most difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
4. Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
5. Learn continuously. Getting better is what drives us. We positively engage with personal and professional development and school improvement.
Key Responsibilities
The duties outlined in this job description may be modified by the Principal, with your agreement, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job, commensurate with the salary and job title. It will be reviewed in the context of the School Development Plan and Performance Management cycle.
1. Put provision in place to ensure that progress of students with SEND improves relative to those without SEND.
2. Ensure that the school carries out its statutory responsibilities.
3. Work with staff to develop effective ways of bridging barriers to learning through:
1. Assessment of needs
2. Monitoring of teaching quality and pupil achievement and target setting
3. IEPs, or Provision Maps, PSP, Pupil Passports - keeping accurate records.
- Support departmental developments of SEN provision.
- Monitor progress towards targets for pupils with SEN.
- Analyse and interpret relevant school, local and national data to inform practice.
- Liaise with staff, parents, external agencies and other schools to coordinate their contribution, provide maximum support and ensure continuity of provision.
- Work with the Principal, HoS, teachers, support staff and pastoral staff to ensure all pupils' learning is of equal importance and that there are high and realistic expectations of pupils.
Teaching and Learning
1. Identify and adopt the most effective teaching approaches for SEN students.
2. Monitor teaching and learning activities to meet the needs of SEN students.
3. Liaise with other schools to ensure continuity of support and learning when transferring SEN students.
4. Promote Inclusion best practice and contribute to the aims and ethos of the school through invited attendance at the senior leadership team and when possible, attendance at school events.
Recording and Assessment
1. Set targets for raising achievement among SEND students and other groups as appropriate.
2. Collect and interpret specialist assessment and performance data and share with other staff and Directors as appropriate.
3. Set up systems for identifying SEND and assessing and reviewing SEND provision.
4. This includes creating and monitoring provision maps with class teachers and learning support assistants.
5. Update the Principal and SLT directors on the effectiveness of provision for SEND children.
6. Keep parents informed about their child's progress through individual meetings and at parents’ evenings.
7. As necessary, prepare applications and co-ordinate and attend annual reviews.
8. Assist EAL in making applications for additional support, time and/or specific papers for end of Key Stage assessments.
9. Maintain the SEND/Inclusion register.
10. Evaluate the effectiveness of provision through meetings with staff, students and parents.
1. Ensure all members of staff are able to recognise and fulfil their statutory responsibilities to SEND students.
2. Provide training opportunities for learning support assistants and teachers to learn about Inclusion, including whole-school Inset.
3. Disseminate good practice in Inclusion across the school.
4. Identify resources needed to meet the needs of SEND students and manage the SEND budget.
5. Work with the Principal, SLT and Directors on the strategic development of SEND & Inclusion, including reviewing and formulating appropriate policies.
6. To be responsible for the supervision and organisation of learning support assistants, including their performance management.
7. Support pupil progress meetings, recording agreed provision within provision maps.
8. To be involved in the appointment of Teaching Assistants.
9. To work with the Principal and other key staff on developing the effectiveness of transition arrangements between the key stages.
10. Liaise with the Educational Psychology service and other specialist and support agencies.
11. To keep abreast of developments in SEND (e.g. research, changes to the law) and inform staff and SLT, staff and Directors as necessary.
12. To attend appropriate training, CPD and conferences and provide feedback to colleagues.
13. Lead CPD on inclusion matters as needed across the school.
14. Work with the Principal to plan the overall deployment of teaching assistants throughout the school.
15. Liaise with key stage leaders and all teachers in the successful deployment of learning support assistants within key stages and year groups.
16. Undertake SEND self-evaluation, contributing to the school SEF and improvement plan and planning for continuous improvement in inclusion practice.
17. Model good practice in teaching students with SEND including those with severe complex needs.
18. Develop links with Directors, external agencies.
Other Responsibilities
1. To willingly undertake any reasonable task requested by the Principal from time to time to support the safeguarding of staff and children.
2. Coordinate all Annual Reviews and reviews of Individual Education Plans and/or PSPs and where appropriate and attend / chair when necessary.
3. Exercise a key role in assisting the Principal and Directors with the strategic development of SEND policy / provision.
Skills, Qualifications and Experience
1. National award for special educational needs co-ordination.
2. Prior experience working in an English Curriculum School where English is the language of operation.
3. Experience having worked in a whole school role is an advantage.
ISP Leadership Competencies
You consistently demonstrate and role-model the ISP Leadership Competencies in all that you do.
1. Collaboration: Takes an active part in leading their school or region; is cooperative and a genuine team player, developing positive, supportive relationships with colleagues to solve problems and maximise opportunities.
2. Learning & Getting Better: Continually demonstrates personal commitment and passion for learning and getting better using evidence and feedback; supporting others in their continual learning, development and growth.
3. Innovation Leadership: Is good at creating an environment where ideas for learning initiatives and services are generated and is able to motivate and inspire others through the process of creation through to completion.
4. Outcome driven: Can be counted on to find solutions. Is consistently looking to exceed goals and is focused on KPIs.
5. Resilience: Can deal with setbacks and challenges calmly and effectively.
6. Community Focus: Is committed to meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of our students and their families.
7. Planning & Decision Making: Makes decisions on the best course of action and then plans, organises, prioritises and balances resources to achieve the desired outcome.
8. Diversity & Equity: Has the sensitivity, awareness and skill to understand the values, behaviours, attitudes and practices across cultures that supports all children and adults to learn and work effectively.
ISP Commitment to Safeguarding Principles
ISP is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to appropriate vetting procedures, including an online due diligence search, references and satisfactory Criminal Background Checks or equivalent covering the previous 10 years’ employment history.
ISP Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
ISP is committed to strengthening our inclusive culture by identifying, hiring, developing, and retaining high-performing teammates regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender expression, age, disability status, neurodivergence, socio-economic background or other demographic characteristics. Candidates who share our vision and principles and are interested in contributing to the success of ISP through this role are strongly encouraged to apply.