ECCUS is a start-up providing underground space on a turnkey delivery to many industries.
Industrial land scarcity, carbon emission restrictions and high public opposition to many industrial projects has created an important slow down in the extension of industrial capacity in many key areas, with many projects stalling.
ECCUS is a general contractor that undertakes the construction of metro-station like underground spaces of its own design, called ECO-Cavernes, at a price point that enables a return on investments in under 10 years, while having a 100 years design life.
You will be responsible for identifying clients, defining their requirements, negotiating and closing the contracts. You will be supported by a team of engineers to provide the required technical support.
You have at least 15 years in the light industrial sector with an extensive network in multiple industries such as logistics, pharmaceuticals, food and drinks distribution, datacentres and energy.
You must speak Swiss German, French, and English.