70-100%, Bern, Lausanne and homeoffice How you make adifference - Together with the team you help design and implementprojects for our partners within Swiss Post using the MicrosoftPower Platform. - You are involved in the entire developmentprocess; from design, architecture, development and testing untilthe go-live. - With your work you help to drive digitalization andautomation within Swiss Post and reduce redundancies andinefficiencies. - It is easy for you to understand customers andtheir business world so that you are able to identify therequirements. - You enjoy your work because you don't just want towrite code, but also want to help shape the path to the code. Whatyou have to offer - You have a degree in business informatics or anequivalent higher education qualification from a university oruniversity of applied sciences. - You have extensive experience indeveloping and administering the Power Platform, ideally withPL-200 and/or PL-400 certification. - You have strong expertise indesigning and implementing Power Platform solutions using CanvasApps, Cloud Flows, and ALM, with solid knowledge of databases suchas SharePoint Online or Dataverse. - Additional Power Platformcertifications or applied skills in creating and managing AutomatedProcesses and Model-Driven Apps would be an advantage. - You are anopen-minded and communicative team player who enjoys working in amultilingual and multicultural environment, with good written andspoken proficiency in German or French and a strong command ofEnglish. What we have to offer - 6 weeks' holiday - Mobile andflexible working - Half Fare Travelcard or contribution towards GA- Support with basic and advanced training As the driving forcebehind digitization, the Informatics/Technology function unit hasan influence on the whole of Swiss Post and is an important partnerin its success. We go beyond core IT tasks and empower the companyin its digital transformation. We use the latest technologies andwork to advance agile, bimodal and embedded IT innovations. Wedevelop new, secure business models and ensure that Swiss Post hasa modern, high-performing ICT infrastructure. In addition, we arecommitted to the issue of sustainability: our headquarters in Bernhave been awarded two certificates for sustainability. All newlybuilt logistics centers meet the Gold sustainability standard at aminimum. Michel de Sainte Marie People & Transformation Lead Doyou have a passion for developing solutions based on the MicrosoftPower Platform?