Joining our Manufacturing Department, you will bepart of a team of technicians, engineers and scientists specializedin the production and purification of recombinant proteins producedfrom animal cells.
As Media/ Buffer SeniorTechnician, you will take part in this exciting adventure bysupporting the qualification of our development and clinicalsuites.
As Media/ BufferSenior Technician,you will be responsiblefor:
* Performing operational Media/Buffer activities
* Performing operationalsupport activities
* Participation to theinstallation of laboratories
* Carrying out thedocumentation related to your function (e.g. writing workinginstructions)
* Supporting compliance activities(batch review, deviations,investigations...)
* Participating in maintainingthe functionality of the laboratories/cleanrooms
* Interacting with different stakeholders(e.g. Quality Assurance, Project Managers, or Operationalteam)
* You have a technician diploma (CFC, HES,BTS, IUT...) with 5 years or an Engineering/ Master's degree inbiochemistry/biology/ biotechnology orequivalent
* Language: French, English is aplus
* Knowledge ofBPF
* Knowledge of IT tools: Pack office ismandatory whereas DeltaV/ MES is a plus
* You canwork as part of a team and have good communication skills with allstakeholders (Managers, scientists and technicians) andstakeholders from other departments (Production, QC,QA...)
* Ideally experience in the field ofpharmaceutical production (Development, clinical andcommercial)