Applications will be accepted beginning
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 12:00 AM
(Mountain Standard Time)
Song and Dance Sponsor - Part Time
Job Description
The song and dance sponsors will have the duties of providing instruction, facilitating practice sessions, organizing field trips with the culture specialists, and assisting with singing and dancing performances throughout the school year. The activities are to meet the standards of public performance, promote Navajo language and culture, and continue the tradition of learning and passing on the songs and dances of elders.
Sponsors should be knowledgeable in Dine Traditional singing and dancing and will provide coaching to lead students to practice and perform in singing (solo, duet, group), dancing (Nidaa', Ye'ii Bicheii, Azhniidaah), and song acts (ak'aaji sin, keshjee').
They will hold practices 2-4 times a week from September to April, participate in the annual song and dance festival, and take students on field trips when invitations from other schools or organizations occur.
Stipend will be paid in two equal amounts, in December and April.