Job Description
In the framework of the NCCR Automation, we are seeking a driven postdoctoral candidate to explore the intricacies of traffic control management in contemporary urban environments. The emergence of new transportation modes like car sharing and electric vehicles, alongside the increasingly interconnected transportation network motivate our research.
Our objective is to devise innovative interventions, blending soft policies to influence commuters' behavior and algorithmic solutions for optimal network operation. Our approach is based on a combination of game theoretic and data-driven control schemes. Challenges abound, from modelling human responses and integrating them into our algorithms to efficiently managing large-scale systems in various network conditions and disruptions.
We envision the real-world deployment of our results together with our partners in cities and municipalities to enhance their traffic landscape and sustainably meet their current and future transportation needs.
Your Role
You will translate your own research ideas to tackle these challenges, in close collaboration with our interdisciplinary team and external scientific and industry partners. As part of this process, you will mentor doctoral and master students, publish in scientific journals, contribute to our teaching efforts, and participate in conferences.
Your Profile
You are highly motivated and dedicated with a doctoral degree in automation engineering (or fields related to the project). You are experienced as a researcher with an active interest in mobility systems and in developing automation solutions to reduce traffic congestion and emissions in modern cities.
Your programming, modelling, and data analysis skills in Python support you in contributing to our ongoing software development efforts. Your spoken and written English skills help you navigate our international environment.