Job Description
Your responsibilities:
* Develop the concept, schematics and PCB layout for the new data acquisition board, and follow the manufacturing and hardware testing of the first prototypes.
* Support and contribute to the development of firmware for the board, and its integration in the L1 Data Scouting demonstrator system
* Providing day-to-day supervision of students working on the project.
* Collaborating with personnel and students from the CERN CMS L1 trigger and data scouting groups.
* Presenting work at conferences and workshops at CERN and beyond.
Your Profile
Skill Requirements:
* Experience with all the steps to develop a high-speed electronics board: schematics, PCB layout, submission for production and assembly, testing, development of FPGA firmware.
* Experience with AMD Xilinx FPGAs and Systems-on-chip (Versal, Zynq) and the associated software (Vivado, Vitis) would be highly beneficial.
* Experience with the CMS L1 trigger / data acquisition systems and the associated hardware would be beneficial.
About the Role
The role is part of the broader context of the NextGen Triggers project, a 5-year collaboration between the LHC experiments and the CERN Research and Computing Departments to push forward the use and impact of innovative Artificial Intelligence technologies and high-performance computing architectures for the LHC experiments' trigger selection, data processing, and theoretical interpretation.
About Us
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a unique scientific organization. Our business is fundamental physics research. By no means do we interfere with politics, economics or social issues. Technical meetings are an integral part of our life, but that does not make us politicians.