* Sie übernehmen die Leitung der Abteilung Gesellschaft, Kultur und Sport mit den Bereichen Bibliothek, Kultursekretariat, Gluri Suter Huus und Gesellschaft/Integration sowie Sport in Tandempartnerschaft mit dem/den Ressortvorsteher/Innen des Gemeinderats.
* Sie koordinieren, beraten und begleiten alle Belange des Sports in der Gemeinde Wettingen (Sportkoordination).
* Sie sind die Anlaufstelle für Vereine, Bevölkerung und Schüler im Bereich Sport.
* Sie sind zuständig für die Platz- und Hallenzuteilungen inkl. die entsprechenden Bewilligungen und die Koordination mit der Abteilung Bau und Planung.
* Sie organisieren Anlässe, leiten Kommissionen, vernetzen Akteurinnen und Akteure und arbeiten mit anderen Verwaltungsabteilungen zusammen.
* Sie bereiten Geschäfte und Entscheidungsgrundlagen für die Geschäftsleitung und den Gemeinderat vor.
* Sie engagieren sich im Kreise der Abteilungsleitenden und tragen zur Weiterentwicklung der Gemeinde Wettingen bei.
* You take over the leadership of the Department of Society, Culture and Sports with the areas Library, Cultural Secretariat, Gluri Suter House and Society / Integration as well as Sports in tandem partnership with the members of the Municipal Council.
* You coordinate, advise and accompany all sports-related matters in the municipality of Wettingen (sports coordination).
* You are the contact point for associations, population and students in the field of sports.
* You are responsible for the allocation of rooms and halls including the corresponding permits and coordination with the Department of Building and Planning.
* You organize events, lead commissions, network actors and work together with other administrative departments.
* You prepare business cases and decision-making bases for the management and the municipal council.
* You engage in the circle of departmental leaders and contribute to the further development of the municipality of Wettingen.
Beruflicher Werdegang:
* Degree or equivalent qualification from a university of applied sciences.
* Experience in sports coordination/sports management.
* Leadership experience including further education.
* Interest in social and cultural topics.
* Open, communicative and team-oriented person with excellent social skills.
* High level of organizational talent and creativity.
* Fluency in German (communication talent with empathy) - verbal and written.
* Independent and precise working style.
* Team and solution-oriented behavior.
* The tasks are varied and challenging.
* We provide the best service public for our citizens.
* We shape Wettingen and actively address the challenges of today and tomorrow.
* We promote continuing education and participate financially and/or in terms of time.
* Digitalization is not just a catchphrase for us. Internally, all processes run on a digital business administration and externally, all services have been digitalized as far as there are offers for this.
* We have maintained a good team spirit despite our size and exchange information across departments.
Gemeinde Wettingen
Frau Sandra Thut
Leiterin Gemeindebüro