Ausbildung zum Fachverkäufer im Lebensmittelhandwerk - Fachrichtung Bäckerei
Become an expert in bread and baked goods.
1. Disposition: You learn to plan and organize the right amounts of bread and pastries.
2. Fachwissen: You learn about the handling of raw materials and bakery products and their different processing as well as the existing hygiene regulations.
3. Kundenberatung: You advise our customers on our baked goods.
4. Kreativität: You can be creative when presenting baked goods at our counter.
1. Schulabschluss: As a prerequisite, you need at least a Hauptschulabschluss.
2. Foodie: You bring a passion for baked goods with you.
3. BWL: You have an interest in business processes.
4. Verkaufstalent: You have a good understanding of sales techniques to increase sales and customer loyalty.
5. Organisationstalent: You can organize yourself independently.
6. Motivation: You are highly motivated and show commitment.
Vorteile bei uns
1. Satte Rabatte: 10% employee discount on your EDEKA purchases.
2. (Krisen)Sicherer Arbeitsplatz: Even in difficult times, because food is always eaten.
3. Perspektiven und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten: With engagement & our career programs, you can achieve everything here.
4. Sinnvolle Tätigkeit: You ensure the supply with food on site and make an important contribution to society.
5. Expertenwissen rund um Lebensmittel: Training seminars combined with digital learning formats.
6. Dicke Brieftasche: Christmas and vacation allowance.
7. Netzwerke: Through seminars, competitions and other actions, you get to know apprentices from all over the region.
8. Lebe deine Ideen aus: Various competitions with attractive prizes (a trip to Spain to one of our producers).
9. Feierei: Absolventen-Gala at Europa-Park Rust including overnight stay and park visit.
10. (Persönlichkeits)Entwicklung: Regular feedback conversations with your trainer.
11. Multikulti: At EDEKA Südwest, people from 101 different nations work.
12. Homeground oder Explorer: Through the structure of EDEKA, you can work anywhere in Germany.
13. Beitrag zum Klimaschutz: Training at EDEKA means working with regional products, short delivery routes and fair treatment of local farmers.
Alle oben genannten Vorteile hängen von der Verfügbarkeit des jeweiligen Ausbildungsunternehmens ab und können abweichen.