Safety Coordinator Role Description
The Safety Coordinator is responsible for implementing the company's safety policy across all sectors and sizes of activity.
Key objectives include:
* Safeguarding the physical and mental health of employees.
* Minimizing the environmental impact of the company's activities.
* Maintaining compliance with internal, external, and regulatory requirements.
To achieve these goals, the Safety Coordinator will utilize resources allocated by the company and employ tools and methodologies aligned with their skills. Proficiency in safety protocols and procedures is essential due to the profession's cross-functional nature.
Candidates suitable for this role typically possess specialized training or diplomas in prevention or technical fields corresponding to the company.
* Health, Safety & Environment University Technological Diploma (DUT)
* Professional license specializing in hygiene, safety, and environment
* University degrees in production and quality management
* Certified Level III title of Safety & Environment Coordinator
Main Activities
This role involves both administrative tasks, such as reporting and record-keeping, and field work interacting with operators and supervisors on construction sites, offices, and workshops.
* Develop prevention plans tailored to the company's needs.
* Update the Single Document accordingly.
* Define and implement prevention training actions.
* Organize and lead training sessions.
* Manage accreditation titles and personnel permits.
* Monitor workplace accidents and ensure proper handling.
* Implement and enforce the Hygiene, Health, and Safety Prevention Policy.
* Assist in drafting SSHPP and prevention plans.
* Stay informed about legislative changes affecting Health and Safety at work.
* Provide advice on purchasing personal protective equipment.
* Perform regular safety reports as defined by the company.
The Safety Coordinator collaborates with external contributors, including the Occupational Health and Safety Department and prevention organizations.